Siri will learn your HomePod preferences with the 17.4 update

With the release of HomePod 17.4 software, scheduled for this week, Apple is introducing a significant improvement that promises to transform the way we interact with Siri on our HomePod devices. This update will allow Siri to learn the user’s media service preferences, marking a step forward in the personalization and ease of use of Apple’s voice assistant.

With the release of the HomePod 17.4 update, Siri adapts to users’ music preferences, offering a personalized and hassle-free experience.

Goodbye to the need to name applications

Until now, HomePod users could play songs, podcasts, audiobooks, and other media using supported third-party apps through requests to Siri, but this process required previously setting the third-party app as the default in the settings section of the Home app. A process that, due to its inconspicuous location, many users were unaware of or forgot. With the new update, this will change: it will no longer be necessary to mention the name of the application when asking Siri to play content.

Siri becomes more intuitive on the HomePod

The 17.4 update for HomePod makes Siri able to learn from user choices and use those preferences to automatically select apps. For example, if you prefer YouTube Music over Apple Music, you won’t need to specify “Play [nombre de la canción] on YouTube Music»; Siri will remember your preference and apply it to future requests. This feature, already present on iPhone and iPad, significantly simplifies interaction with Siri, eliminating the need to set up a default music app in the Home app.

Compatibility with third-party applications

For this new feature to work, it is necessary that the music streaming service supports the HomePod. Apps like YouTube Music, Deezer, Pandora, TuneIn and iHeartRadio support this feature. It’s important to mention that although Spotify can play content through a request to Siri on the HomePod, it does so using the iPhone as a bridge.

Additional improvements in the update

In addition to Siri support for preferred music services, the HomePod 17.4 update also includes improvements to the device’s performance and stability. This improvement is designed to give users a smoother and more satisfying experience when using their HomePod.

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