PIX confirmed TODAY (02/21) for Brazilians? Understand the release of R$200 + 5 installments

The Federal Government’s Pix offers scholarships and pedagogical support to encourage the completion of secondary education. Check out.

The Federal Government announced a Pix for all Brazilians who meet certain criteria. The new benefit exists, according to President Lula (PT), to reduce school dropout rates.

It is worth noting that to receive Pix, you must meet all eligibility criteria. Continue reading this article to check who can receive the new Government benefit.

Find out everything about Pix confirmed by the Federal Government – ​​Credit: @jeanedeoliveirafotografia / pronatec.pro.br

Pé de Meia Program: everything about the Government's new Pix

The Pé de Meia Program, established by Law No. 14,818/2024, appears as an innovative initiative by the Federal Government to combat school dropout and encourage the completion of secondary education in Brazil.

Through a system of financial incentives and pedagogical monitoring, the program aims to guarantee access and retention of young people in education.

Benefits for students

Pix will be paid according to these criteria.

Grant-in-aid: R$ 200.00 per month, throughout the academic year, for students with school attendance equal to or greater than 75%. Additional amount of R$ 100.00 per month for students who: Present good academic performance; Participate of extracurricular activities; Attending schools in areas of social risk.

Students will also be able to count on pedagogical support.

Individualized tutoring and group support to help students with their learning difficulties. Professional guidance to help in choosing a career and planning for the future.

Enrollment happens automatically for all students enrolled in public high school.

Student data is sent by schools to the Ministry of Education (MEC), which analyzes and selects beneficiaries.

These are the requirements to receive Pix.

School attendance equal to or greater than 75%. Not having an employment relationship. Not receiving another benefit of a similar nature.

Impact and perspectives

It is worth noting that the program is still in the initial implementation phase, but preliminary results are promising.

Dropout rates in high school showed a significant reduction in the first months of the program.

Student uptake of pix has been high, with more than 80% of eligible students signing up.

Pé de Meia has the potential to revolutionize Brazilian education, making secondary education more accessible and attractive to young people.

The program is expected to contribute to reducing social inequalities and building a fairer and more prosperous country.

The pix to students represents an important step in the fight for the democratization of education in Brazil.

Through an innovative system of financial incentives and pedagogical support, the program seeks to ensure that all young people have the opportunity to complete secondary education.

How to sign up for CadÚnico

To have access to Pé de Meia, the student must be registered in the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government (CadÚnico). It is worth noting that registration also guarantees other Pix, such as Bolsa Família.

To sign up, just follow this step-by-step guide.

Look for the nearest Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS). Take documents from all family members, such as ID, CPF, Birth Certificate and proof of residence. Respond to the interview with a CRAS agent about living conditions of the family.

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