After all, what happens to those who DON’T declare their Income Tax? TRAFFIC TICKET?

Filing income tax is extremely important for thousands of Brazilians. Not carrying out the process can cause serious problems.

Declaration of Income Tax (IR) is an annual obligation that many Brazilians need to comply with. However, some still believe that omitting this statement does not lead to consequences.

Therefore, it is important to demystify this perception, highlighting the possible implications of not declaring income tax, which can range from fines to imprisonment. Check it out below.

Many people have an obligation to declare their Income Tax annually, but what happens to those who fail to do so? Understand! / Credit: @jeanedeoliveirafotografia /

Fines for omission: the first warning of non-declaration of IR

Firstly, the failure to submit the IR declaration within the deadline stipulated by the Federal Revenue Service does not go unnoticed.

Taxpayers who fail to declare are subject to fines, which are calculated based on whether or not taxes are owed.

If there are undeclared debts, the fine can reach 20% of the outstanding amount, starting at 1% per month of default.

For those who do not have taxes to pay, the minimum fine is R$165.74, serving as a reminder of the importance of complying with this fiscal responsibility.

Risks of arrest? Problems with not declaring Income Tax

Then, in the most extreme cases, the situation can escalate to a prison sentence. This occurs when there is clear evidence of attempted fraud, such as hiding income or assets to avoid paying tax.

The Federal Revenue Service is increasingly effective in identifying these practices, and the punishment for such acts is severe, reinforcing the seriousness of the tax obligation.

Changes in the registration status and the impact on the CPF

In addition to fines and the risk of imprisonment, not declaring IR results in the taxpayer being included in the Federal Public Sector’s Informative Register of Unpaid Credits (Cadin).

This means that the individual’s CPF becomes irregular, bringing a series of restrictions, such as difficulties in opening bank accounts, obtaining credit, renewing or issuing a passport and even participating in public competitions.

Follow more: Income Tax and RESIDUAL amounts: check the last batch and find out if you have amounts to receive

The importance of declaring income tax for everyone

It is crucial to highlight that the obligation to declare income tax is not limited only to those who had income in the previous year. Individuals who have assets exceeding R$300,000 are also required to declare, regardless of whether or not they generated income during the period.

This requirement aims to ensure transparency and adequate control over citizens’ assets and income, contributing to fiscal equity.

Don’t miss the Income Tax deadlines!

The delivery of the 2024 Income Tax declaration, base year 2023, is scheduled to begin on March 15th and will last until May 31st, as informed by the Federal Revenue Service.

This gives taxpayers a period of two and a half months to comply with this tax obligation.

This year, the declaration will reflect the changes to the Personal Income Tax (IRPF) table, which were implemented in the previous year.

In May 2023, the government adjusted the exemption range to R$2,112.00, an increase in relation to the previous limit, aiming to update the values ​​according to taxpayers’ current needs.

Pay attention to obligations

Declaration of Income Tax is a duty of all citizens who meet the conditions stipulated by the Federal Revenue Service.

The consequences of not complying with this obligation are severe and can significantly affect the taxpayer’s financial and legal life.

Therefore, it is essential to pay attention to deadlines and requirements to avoid problems with the tax authorities. Remember: information and prevention are the best tools to ensure that your rights and obligations are up to date.

Don’t miss: Income Tax OFFICIALIZES the calendar for submitting the declaration; check the dates

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